With the communication between standard printer interface of a master computer and parallel interface of a slave micro processor, the system can effectively complete both the powerful calculation and processing of PC computer and the antijamming and real time control of single chip computer. 针对数控系统的较强控制功能和较小改造量的要求,采用了计算机标准打印机接口进行通信,把上位机(PC)的强大计算处理能力与下位机(单片机)的抗干扰及实时控制能力相结合。
The master processor communicates with slave processor by using three registers and this makes the communication at best pass three bytes once. 主从处理器之间的通信通过三个寄存器进行,使得主从通讯每次最多只能传输3个字节。
Meantime, the slave device from the network layer receives the package audio packets and passes to the digital audio processor, the I2S digital audio signal is output, then through the D/ A converter to get the output. 同时,从设备也可以从网络层中接受经过封装的音频数据包,传给数字音频处理器,输出I2S数字音频信号,之后通过D/A转换器输出。
The hardware of master and slave modules uses embedded ARM processor with CAN controller as their core CPU and uses the real time operating system& μ C/ OS-ⅱ as their software designing platform. 主/从站硬件采用带有CAN控制器的嵌入式ARM处理器作为它们的核心,并采用μC/OS-Ⅱ嵌入式实时操作系统作为软件开发平台。
The host processor is responsible for task scheduling, ultra-sound barrier, sensor and peripheral circuit, the slave processor is responsible for receiving data from the host processor and make motor realize the robot tasks. 主处理器主要负责任务调度、超声波避障、传感器及外围电路,从处理器负责接收主处理器传来的数据请求,控制电机做出适当的动作,实现机器人的作业任务。
This division of labor between master and slave processor approaches to achieve integration of communications functions, providing a reliable guarantee for the relay. 这种主从处理器分工合作方式实现了通讯一体化的功能,为继电保护提供了可靠保证。